Granular Sea Salt Specifications, packaging 25kg, 1300kg big bags

Technical specifications

Purity %m/m NaCl 99.5
Physical properties Odourless, typical salty taste. No foreign taste and odour. White and homogenous.
Humidity MAX. 0.3%
Arsenic MAX. 0.5 ppm
Copper MAX. 2.0 ppm
Lead MAX. 2.0 ppm
Mercury MAX. 0.1 ppm
Calcium MAX. 0.1%
Sulphate MAX. 0.5%
Magnesium MAX. 0.1%
Cadmuim MAX. 0.5 ppm
Insolubility in water MAX. 0.1%
Insolubility in acid MAX. 0.1%
Coliform Bacteria
n c m M
5 2 10 100
Grain size Max. 10% > 3.2mm
Max. 10% < 1.6mm
Shelf life 4 years after production date
Storing Should be kept in dry and dark place, packed and sealed.